"The most dangerous decision-making fallacy is that informed decision-makers will naturally make better, more objective decisions. Making consistently timely, effective, informed decisions takes hard work. Trust me – it’s worth it. Effective decision-making is the essential common ingredient behind every successful step, initiative, and strategy that people, organizations, and national governments undertake."
The Court, technology and privacy
Tech, strategy and the Constitution
Smart tech, people and competition
Who’s responsible for Uber’s self-driving vehicle accident?
Human risks of the robotic revolution
The increasingly confusing language of automation
Competitive strategy, digital strategy and transformation
Automation and the unaware caretakers
Is business strategy relevant today?
Perspectives on Strategy and Business Models
Safety implications of self-driving cars
Giving strategy its due in the digital age
Riding the tiger of innovation
Disrupting the Academy: Tech & Education
Competing in the Internet-of-Things
The business implications of the Internet-of-Things (IoT)
The iPhone X and the end of privacy-Part 1
What's an exabyte? And why should we care?
Turning back the (aging) clock
It's in the genes