"The most dangerous decision-making fallacy is that informed decision-makers will naturally make better, more objective decisions. Making consistently timely, effective, informed decisions takes hard work. Trust me – it’s worth it. Effective decision-making is the essential common ingredient behind every successful step, initiative, and strategy that people, organizations, and national governments undertake."
Prepare for 2021
Restarting the economy: a long process
Safe and out of business is no business
Benchmarks and uncertainty
All in it together? Sort of...
Application notes: Starbucks
Applying OPR's recovery framework
Business model uncertainties
Clarifying uncertainties
Our duty
Alternative containment strategies
Assessing COVID-19 risks
NYC best source of COVID data
Riding bad data to lousy decisions
Shortcomings in our response to Corona
The business of life must go on
The human toll of unemployment
Why can't we get along?
Soleimani's lost utility-A lesson
What are business disruptions?