"The most dangerous decision-making fallacy is that informed decision-makers will naturally make better, more objective decisions. Making consistently timely, effective, informed decisions takes hard work. Trust me – it’s worth it. Effective decision-making is the essential common ingredient behind every successful step, initiative, and strategy that people, organizations, and national governments undertake."
The 737 Max 8 and the challenges of software complexity
AI, business strategy and venture capital
The AI-Healthcare Revolution
Artificial intelligence and stock markets
Putting machine learning to work
Should AI worry or excite CEOs? Yes!
Making sense of artificial intelligence
Getting smart about Artificial Intelligence
The fatal Uber self-driving car crash - update
Smart tech, people and competition
Who’s responsible for Uber’s self-driving vehicle accident?
Human risks of the robotic revolution
Safety implications of self-driving cars
Competing in the Internet-of-Things
The business implications of the Internet-of-Things (IoT)